Evaluation Forms

NFF at Work Participant Feedback Form

This form will help you to evaluate your Neighbours, Friends and Families campaign. By using the forms and sending back the information you collect, you are including your campaign in the broader province-wide initiative. You are helping to measure the effectiveness, not just of your own work, but of this whole public education initiative. We really appreciate your time and effort!

If you need assistance with the forms or with any aspect of the evaluation, please contact the Neighbours, Friends and Families campaign office at 519-661-2111 Ext: 87486 or nff@uwo.ca.

Please send completed evaluation forms to:

Barb MacQuarrie
Community Director
Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women and Children
The Faculty of Education
The University of Western Ontario
1137 Western Road, Rm. 1158
London ON N6G 1G7

Tel: 519-661-4023
Fax: 519-850-2464