How Dentists Help Protect Smiles & Possibly Save Lives by Knowing Signs of Abuse & Working with Multi-Disciplinary Partners
November 10, 2020
Webinar video and slides are available upon request
Learn how the unique knowledge base of dentistry can be useful in daily patient & practice evaluations to help protect not just your patients’ teeth & smiles, but their lives and/or family lifestyles, by knowing:
Learning Objectives
Reframing inaccessibility as structural violence in the lives of mothers with disabilities
January 26, 2021
Melanie Stone will present the findings of her Photovoice research project, located in London, Ontario. This project examined the experiences of mothers with disabilities with employment engagement. Through this research project which included narrative interviews, photovoice focus groups and semi-structured interviews over the course of 18 months, the women shared their experiences of community mobility, structural violence, the motherwork of disability, and the structures which keep mothers in poverty.
Learning Objectives
- Attendees will better understand the difference between “barriers” and structural violence
- Understand better how ableism contributes to the continued surveillance of mothers with disabilities and child removal.
- Provide tools to identify ableism in practices and to better understand the community violence that mothers with disabilities face
- Learn how to support interventions, and advocate for improved opportunities for parents with disabilities in our communities.
Melanie Stone is currently the Accessibility Specialist for the City of London and a PhD Candidate in the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at Western University.
Back to Basics
March 9, 2021
Back to the Basics: Learning how to recognize and respond to domestic violence featuring Barb MacQuarrie and Margaret MacPherson of CREVAWC.